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Wednesday, 12 December 2007
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Friday, 7 December 2007
An interesting Weekend
An Interesting Weekend
Its been sometime since I last wrote and I have finally got around to putting up the tal of our interesting weekend 23rd to 25th November.
As some of you will of already heard we have had an interesting weekend! It all started on Friday when the leftist president Evo Morales and his party tried to bring in a new constitution. This would "allow the president unlimited re-election and would give central authorities greater control over public revenue payments at the expense of state governments." Protestors clashed with Police and through the afternoon and into Saturday these continued. Saturday night these increased and we had to stay at home all of Sunday. In the afternoon the clashes stopped, as the Police were withdrawn from the city. This resulted in complete anarchy Saturday night with prisoners escaping from the prison, the fire station being torched, vehicles being bunt out and other properties being ransacked and burnt. As a result of the violence three people have died, one of whom was a nephew to a member of the FHI staff. Monday things were beginning to quieten down and as we understand it local communites were forming their own neighbourhood watch groups in order to take care of their citizens in the absence of any police. So there are positive things coming out of the chaos.
Ed went to Language School Monday morning with the thought that the worst was over, but in the afternoon we were called by our head office in La Paz and told that they wanted us to go there for a few days, as it was likely that the protests could start again. So we are writing to you from La Paz and will keep you informed as to what happens next.
The following weekend
Thank you for all your prayers over this last week, as it turned out that there was no more trouble in Sucre after we left on Tuesday morning, and so on Saturday 1st December we went back. The time in La Paz served as a good break from Language School and gave us a chance to see some different surroundings as well as an opportunity to speak with people in the office about my job. Sarah also got to speak with Jana (who we were staying with and is having her first baby in 6 weeks), about helping her in some of her jobs she is doing. This could include helping in the preparing for Missionary's coming to Bolivia , some translating and other stuff. Sarah came away feeling positive about the opportunities even if a little daunted by it.
The situation in Sucre
Last Tuesday or Wednesday the police were told to return to Sucre and things have remained quiet. The city is now back to normal and the only signs left are the graffiti and damaged buildings. Things are likely to stay this way for now, although they may heat up again around the 14th December when the constitution goes to a referendum. Today (3rd December) we heard on the news that in Venezuela the President Hugo Chavez has failed in his attempt to bring in a similar constitution to Bolivia in which he could have stayed in power indefinitely. These seems to have given Bolivia 's opposition parties some hope for preventing this proposed constitution. I have included another missionary's view on last weekend to give some back ground.
On the political front, having taken the constitutional assembly to the military base and out of the city (a decision which was one of the main factors behind the anger of the people), the number of constituent members present (almost entirely representing the ruling party) were able to make quorum, and, in a turn of events that surprised everyone, after a year and a half of virtually no progress in writing a new constitution, approve a whole new constitution. It appears now that, having worked on their own constitution for some time behind closed doors, the main reason for getting the Assembly to a new location, was to do what they did, and approve their own constitution, without the presence of the opposition members to slow things up. However, the approval was only on a 'general' scale, and the constitution still has to be approved in detail, and approved at national referendum level. So, there are a lot of complicated factors still in the process, (the constitution has been declared illegal and invalid by the opposition) and added to that, with the anger at how things have been done, we are left with a volatile situation. The general feeling is that, with the official end date of the Constitutional Assembly being December 14th, there will be a time of relative calm for a while, until we get closer to that date.
Please continue to pray for Sucre in this interesting time.
Give thanks that the violence for now is over and pray for those families who lost loved ones.
Give thanks for a good break in La Paz for us and for finding out more about what we will be up to in the future.
Give thanks for our safe return and getting back into view in Sucre .
Please pray for peace in this country, it has a turbulent past and is likely to continue for some time to come.
Please pray that as we head towards the 14th the different parties would talk and not be stirred up into violence again.
Finally please pray for us as we continue to settle into Sucre . We have found a Church to join, so please pray for the building of some good friendships.
God Bless
Ed, Sarah and Alana
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Saturday, 10 November 2007
A Blogged version of Ed and Sarah's first newsletter
After a very long journey of 31 hours travelling we finally have arrived and are now settling well into our new home.
Our first few days were spent in La Paz, which gave us a bit of space where we didn’t have to do much thinking. Mid week we moved onto ‘home’ Sucre. Where we are now beginning to feel a little more settled. During this week we spent time getting orientated with both the country of Bolivia and FH/Bolivia as well as getting lots of sleep to recover from the long journey.
We are currently living in a large family home with a very hospitable family, Delphine and Dr Freddy. We have the penthouse suit on the top floor and are enjoying having a bit of space to ourselves.Alana has coped really well with all the travelling and changes, though I think like us she was glad to be able to stop. Since being here she has gained a lot more confidence on her feet so is toddling about much more. She has taken quite a liking to the food and will happily put away a vast quantity. She has also become a bit of a celebrity with people wanting to take her photograph.
Life here thankfully runs at a slower pace than the UK and is still very structured around the family. Lunch is the main meal of the day when all the family will sit down and eat together before returnng to work a bit later in the afternoon.
We have started full swing into language school with Ed doing 4 hours in the morning whilst Sarah does the ‘graveyard shift' with 4 hours in the afternoon. As you may well imagine this is quite exhausting particularly when the remainder of the day is spent running errands and entertaining Alana, who at present seems to have forgotten how to entertain herself. But I guess that’s probably because she has become a bit unsettled with all the changes.
We hope you are all keeping well. Missing you all already
Lots of Love
Ed, Sarah & Alana
<>< First Impressions
• A long, long way from home
• Dry rugged Mountainous terrain
• Quiet and friendly people
• Long and loud church services
• Lots of potatoes, even chips in soup!!!
Our first impressions of Sucre are of a grand looking, well organised city nestled within the surrounding mountains. It has many hills to rival those back in Aberystwyth. The days are sunny and warm, with the occasional stormy shower.

At present it remains the historical capital that holds the seat of Judicial power, yet its inhabitants are wanting to seek its return to a full governing and administrative status.
Praise God For:
• A safe Journey
• Our luggage that all arrived safely and in one piece
• The family we are living with
Please pray for:
• Strong stomachs to adjust to different food and drink
• Energy and attention in Language learning
• Alana to feel settled and happy
• Happy family times

Friday, 9 November 2007
21st October -8 November
After 31 hours of travel the Moulding family were finally able to stop in one place for more than a few hours. Throughout the whole journey Alana was a star and didn't get too grumpy. On the flights she drew other peoples attention as we walked up and down the plane with her.
On our arrival in
The weather here is comfortably warm and is continuing to get hotter as we move into summer, which is another thing that is taking some getting used to. We left the
On Wednesday 24th October we took our final flight to
After a few days of introduction to
The host family, who we are lving with whilst doing our study have been very welcoming and hospitable. They have grandchildren of their own, so enjoy Alana toddling about and showing off at the meal table. Last Sunday (4th November) we joined them for the day at their house in the country in a small town 15 minutes from
We are in are second week at
I think that will do for now. I'll finish with the first in a series called the A to Z of Bolivia. A friend did it for
A is for Almuerzor
This is Lunch the main meal of the day, and is when all the family come together to eat. It is not liked if people call during lunch, as it is an important family time. The meal has to have some important parts to it. The first is Sopa (Soup) which we'll look at in S. There may then be salad. Followed by Plato principal (the main course) which for our host family most days has rice and potatoes, and meat of some sort. Then there is Los postres the pudding mainly for us it is fruit, but sometimes something more interesting. Where as in
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