Dear Friends,
Since our last letter we have been kept very busy with the arrival of new staff and a retreat and have been learning the hard way the need to take more time out to rest. Ironically the topic we chose to speak on during the international staff retreat was Mat 11:28-30 and the call of Jesus to his followers to ‘come apart and be with me’. So it was an important message for us to understand as we prepared to share with others.

The retreat came in two parts, the first being for all the staff of FH Bolivia and the second being just for the International Staff. Both parts gave a great opportunity to get to know other staff members outside of the office setting as well as having lots of fun.

We were involved in organising a games evening, which became very entertaining as we watched a group of about 100 adults getting very excited about a game of musical bumps.
We were also involved in putting together and presenting a session about multicultural teams and its benefits. The purpose of this was two fold, firstly as a way to better integrate the international staff within the team, an area that has been problematic in the past. And secondly to create a greater awareness of the diversity of cultures just between the Bolivian staff. We kept it open and light hearted and it seemed to be received well and resulted in much discussion. Our prayer is for these discussions to continue, and for us to be able to do some follow up in the new year once we have returned from furlough.

The number of international staff have almost doubled during the course of this year bringing us to a total of 14 adults and 7 children with two babies due later this year, so please be praying for wisdom for us as we seek to support and encourage each of them in their different roles.

In the meantime we are now on the homeward stretch as we plan for our 3 month furlough back in the UK beginning in November.
Thank God for:
Safe arrival of the new staff
Strength and energy
Alana’s 3rd birthday
Ask God for:
Wisdom in planning furlough
Rest & Relaxation
The provision of a car to use during our furlough
Wisdom for the decision makers in FHB who need to accommodate more financial reductions
With Much love
Ed, Sarah & Alana