Dear Friends,
During these last two months we have been kept busy with visits and visitors, being challenged, stretched and pulled out of our comfort zones. We feel as though we have been put on the fast track for learning, however, in this time we have also received much encouragement.
We shall be covering a number of miles during our short stay so please do remember us in your prayers as we travel from place to place and share what God has been doing both in us and in Bolivia.
• The good relationships we have
• Providing all that we need for furlough
• That we are able to leave on a positive note
Ask God for:
• Safe travelling
• Peaceful elections in Bolivia December 6th
• A good time of rest and relaxation
• Fun times with friends and family
• Safe travelling
• Peaceful elections in Bolivia December 6th
• A good time of rest and relaxation
• Fun times with friends and family
We look forward to seeing you very soon.
With much love
Ed, Sarah & Alana
With much love
Ed, Sarah & Alana