Dear Friends,
It has certainly been a busy few months and its still not over yet. It began back at the beginning of April when Ed took a last minute trip to Sucre to help one of our families close down their life in Bolivia as they had to make a quick exit in order to get urgent medical care for their 18 month old son. The last we heard was that surgery went well and that he is now doing good.
Following that Ed then spent many long days making the final plans and preparations for the Latin America Regional Conference, before heading off to Cochabamba for the week to see it all through. It was an exhausting time keeping everything running smoothly and all 38 delegates happy, including last minute shopping for one guy from Kenya whose luggage apparently never left the continent of Africa! Those that attended the conference benefitted in many different ways from what was shared and gave much positive feedback.

Directly after the conference back in La Paz we were both involved in a 3 day workshop focused around our role as International Staff Coordinators. During which time we shared our home with another family of 4 who were also involved in the workshop. It was a pretty intense three days, working around the needs of 4 little people, but I think we all came away feeling that we had made some significant progress on how our role is to be worked out in the future of the organization.

Alana had a great time during that week having a little friend around the house to play with. Isaiah too I think enjoyed all of the extra attention from 3 inquisitive little people and 4 extra adults wanting cuddles.
Once our friends left we then began our search for a new home knowing that the end of our current contract was looming. In just two days we were able to find what we were looking for. If all goes to plan we should be moved and re-settled by the end of the month.
We have decided that when it comes to moving home here in Bolivia it is one of the few things that can happen within a week from seeing a place, writing and signing a contract and actually moving.
We are hoping that once we are moved life will begin to slow down a little again so that we can all catch up on ourselves a bit and get some well needed rest.

- Provision of a new home
- A conference that ran smoothly
- A good workshop
- Micah’s successful operation
- Safe travels, good health and a fun visit for Sarah’s parents the beginning of July
- For Alana to cope well with all the new changes
- Rest and relaxation