Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Traffic Congestion!

Moulding Chronicles July 2011

Attitude is everything! After all of the busyness of LARC I (Ed) have been trying to find my place and purpose again in FH. Once LARC was over I found myself asking what was next, what are we doing here and why? It has taken some time for me to find my feet again and I have had to go back to God once again asking him what is his plan for us.

After some time of rest, reflection and a good family holiday on Lake Titicaca God showed me 3 important points that I am re-learning and trusting God to shape into our hearts. The first was ‘contentment’ I read in a daily devotional that if you are not content with what you are doing now then you will never be content when you have your wants. Lately I have found my thoughts occupied wondering about what the next thing is, and not focussing on the here and now and being content with what I have been given to do at present. This led me onto the Gods second point where I was challenged ‘to have the right attitude of heart.’
At some point after LARC I lost this attitude and had forgotten that we are here in Bolivia to serve others. At times our work can seem frustratingly bitty and behind the scenes with no direct contact or interaction with people in the communities where FH is working. However, God has reaffirmed that our role as a family is to come alongside others both national and international staff within and others outside of FH to be a support and encouragement. Looking back we can see how God has used us in a variety of different ways, be that through listening and encouraging, practical administrative tasks or just taking a job off of someone to free them up for other things. In doing these things we have been enabling FH to achieve its vision and mission of walking with Churches, Leaders and Families.
The last point God showed me was that ‘all should be for the Glory of God’. When we were last in the UK we heard a sermon on the shorter catechism and have since read about it in a parenting book we are studying with some friends. It asks the question ‘what is the chief end of Man?’ And answers ‘the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him for ever’. God challenged me in this. Is what I am doing glorifying Him?
From these 3 points God has been helping me to redirect my focus back onto him to start out each day seeking to glorify him, being contented in what I am doing and with the right attitude of heart to serve him.
Having been challenged personally on these things, can I ask you too, does your life and what you do glorify Him?

Thank God for:
- A good relaxing family holiday
- The opportunity for Sarah’s parents to visit and meet Isaiah
- Grace and mercy as he patiently seeks to mould, shape and grow us into the people he wants us to be