Dear friends,
These last few months have continued to be hard on all of us, but we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. As we look back we can see how God has been working and so want to share some of that journey through a journal entry in the hope that it will also bring encouragement to others.
“Iʼm in an uncomfortable position, something needs to change but what. Iʼm grasping hold of whatever idea comes my way to have something to hold onto - to grasp a hold of it to give me a sense of security - so what am I putting my security in? My own feelings of control, I know whatʼs best, I can put it into play, I can meet my own needs, I know what a perfect solution will look like - Do I? - Iʼm playing God, thinking that I can do it all on my own-and yet look at what is going on, so much is out of my control, big things are out of my control! Who am I kidding that I am in control.
ʻHe makes me listen in a way I couldnʼt beforeʼ Heʼs amplified it with a megaphone - look you canʼt control or make anything happen - only I can do that.
Why do I find it so difficult to trust Him with all that we need right now and all that we will need in the future, He knows what we will need upon re- entry - how equipped we will need to be, what opportunities of processing we will need, he also knows what struggles we will need to pass through in order to be stronger to face what lies ahead of us.
So what does that mean for me now - Let it go! Yes a song of utmost annoyance to so many a parent in this year and yet it resonates with me so much - I do need to let it go - that perfect girl I kept and still do keep trying to be, because that is not the person who God wants me to be.
Its time for me to stop straining to see the horizon and to focus upon what is in front of me in the now,so that I donʼt miss out on the beauty that God has given me now in this moment.
As I ponder these things I am reminded of what God told me back at the beginning of the year, messages that I so quickly forgot. To live in the moment I am living, to enjoy the moment and itʼs blessings. Reflection and looking back has its place - but I donʼt live there. Planning and forward thinking has its place, but I donʼt live there either. Focus on what He has given me for the now and enjoy it.”
• Encouragement
• A refining of our vision
• Three beautiful children who are such a blessing to us
• Open ears and hearts to learn the lessons God wants us to learn
• Wisdom to learn how to work from a place of rest
Ed, Sarah, Alana, Isaiah & Lucas
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28