Sunday, 25 January 2015

Moulding Chronicle January 2015

Dear Friends,

A very Happy New year to one and all.  We hope that you were able to enjoy the festive season with friends and family and that the new year has gotten off to a positive start.

We find ourselves starting out this new year in a much more positive frame of mind. The two week Christmas break, which enabled us to step away from all normal routines, has done us all good and has given us a fresh perspective on the year that lies ahead.  The one word which is at the forefront of our minds as we face this new year is THRIVE.  2014 was a difficult year, we felt weighed down by so much, however, we wouldn’t want to go back and change it as despite the difficulties we have learnt so much through it. living in survival mode is ok for a time but certainly not sustainable and so it seemed important that this year we walked this journey learning how to really thrive.  We are still in the process of working out what it looks like on a day to day basis for each of us to be thriving, but feel that we are already making a start in the right direction in a number of different areas. 

Making the time for key relationships  outside of the home is a part of this, as is the need for exercise, to which end we now have an exercise bike and are keeping each other accountable in using it, even Alana is getting involved with this.  We also recognise our need to take regular breaks from the norm.  Some of that will mean getting away for a change of scenery, in other ways it means a change of routine and stepping away from technology.  In line with this we have been more intentional about setting aside a regular sabbath rest having been challenged and inspired by a book Sarah read last year.  For Sarah this has not been an easy thing to do and has taken some time to figure out, however she is now reaping the benefits of giving herself the permission to stop and rest.

Mid January began our new normal with school re starting and daily use of the new bike. Lucas now goes along to kinder with his big brother, who is doing a great job of encouraging him.  So now our mornings are girls only, and Sarah looks forward to the opportunities now opened up to us to travel further a field and experience a little more of the culture.

Meanwhile Ed has returned to the office in his new role of HR Co-ordinator.  At present he is spending much time staffing new positions but has new opportunities opened up to further grow and develop in new ways.

So we have a lot to look forward to this year as well as a lot more to learn.

Thank God for: 
  • A refreshing and relaxing Christmas break
  • A good start to the new school year

Ask God for:
  • Lucas to adjust to kindergarten
  • A year learning to thrive
  • Help for Ed in balancing his work load in his new role as HR Co-ordinator
  • For our visas to be renewed this time without any problems. 
Ed, Sarah, Alana, Isaiah and Lucas

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