Dear Friends,
A big thank you to all of you who made our time in the UK such a special one. It was so good to catch up with so many friends and enjoy good times of fun and laughter. We also enjoyed the parks and British countryside, despite it being more white than green during our stay.

As nice as it was in the UK, we were all very glad to arrive safely back home in La Paz, finally unpack our suitcases and sleep in the same bed for more than a week. Alana has certainly been more settled and has enjoyed rediscovering her own toys and books. She has also enjoyed being back at Kinder, despite having forgotten much of her Spanish.

Our time in the UK gave us a great opportunity to debrief and evaluate our last 2 years here in Bolivia, and to see in what ways things could be improved. Having spent time with so many good friends we soon realised that this was something we really lacked here, so our major prayer for this year is for a family with whom we can become good friends with, who we can have fun with as well as sharing each others good and bad moments. Upon returning to Bolivia we felt refreshed and had the desire to be more intentional about some of the things we do and the way in which we do them.

Being back hasn’t been as easy as we had hoped for in terms of slotting into our roles. To the point that we are now questioning God as to whether we seek to extend our contract which comes to an end in October this year. The main issue still lies in the lack of a more concrete role for Ed within the organisation. We are currently pushing some new ideas and initiatives, but are having to wait for God to open the doors. So please pray for us to either find our niche here within Bolivia, or for God to open new doors of opportunity for us to walk in obedience through.

To add to this our landlady wanted to increase our rent by almost 30%. However, God continues in his goodness to us and through the help of a friend we have negotiated a more reasonable 9% increase. Thank you Lord :o)

Thank God for:
• Good time with friends and family
• Safety in all our travelling
• His continuing provision
Ask God for:
• Good health as we readjust again to the different climate and food
• That we would be able to be more intentional about what we do
With much love
Ed, Sarah & Alana
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