Dear Friends,
As with previous months these last two have been a continuation of our roller coaster ride with a mixture of highs and lows. At the beginning of August Ed moved into a new role as the Country Directors (CD) assistant, giving him more freedom to do a job he was in part already doing. A position about which he feels both privileged and excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The first of which came within a week of starting his new role with the CD taking sick leave for a number of weeks at a crucial time within the org for many decisions to be made.
Although hard at the time we are now beginning to see the way in which God turned a bad situation around to good, through the lessons he has been teaching the CD. Through his experience he is now resolved to bring about a positive change within the office. Due to the culture and work structure within Bolivian society, a change will only come about by example.
Despite some difficult moments it hasn’t deterred us from signing contracts committing ourselves to the next 3 years working with FHB. In fact these recent circumstances have just highlighted again to us the importance of walking with people at their own pace and encouraging them along the way.

Once again though we rejoice in Gods unfailing goodness to us, as we celebrated Alana’s 4th birthday we were able to look back and see where God has led, protected and provided for us at each and every turn. We were also able to celebrate a very specific answer to prayer with the news that Sarah was pregnant, and that mother and baby are doing well.

Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouragement. Through what you do for us God is slowly bringing about a positive change here in Bolivia.

Thank God for:
- Turning a bad situation into a positive learning situation
- A new baby
- Ed’s new role
Ask God for:
- Continued health and development for Sarah & Baby
- Guidance and clear direction for FHB
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