Having heard much about baby showers, it was great to have friends organise one especially for us. Ed collaborated in some of the organising, but it it was arranged as a total surprise for Sarah which was lovely. We arrived at our friends house to be greeted by balloons and an array of tiny blue packages and bundles. Being in Bolivia we were of course the first to arrive as opposed to the last, but it was nice to be able to greet everybody as they arrived and provided Sarah with her exercise for the evening of needing to get up and greet every new person that arrived.

As each person arrived they were each given a balloon, which contained a tiny figure of a baby which they then had to tie about their waist for the evening. We then played a number of different games which were good fun and a good laugh. The prizes were even little chocolate babies, which somehow seemed very wrong to eat, but the chocolate was particularly nice!

It was such a blessing to us to receive such love and care from our Bolivian friends, who see and accept us as very much a part of their own lives. Thank you one and all.
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