An end of an era! Last Friday I (Ed) finished with FH Bolivia after eight and a half years of service. Walking out of the office for the last time as an employee evoked many different feelings. Over these years I have worked in two different cities and five different offices, visited many of the communities in rural areas and poor outer-suburbs and enjoyed the amazing views of the Bolivian countryside that lie in stark contrast to the poverty of the people who live there.

While my physical work has been generally in the background producing maps, organising events, helping improve processes for training staff, among many other things, my biggest lasting impact has really been in the relationships I have formed. There have been those which have impacted me personally and many others, whom through the grace of God I have been able to have a positive influence and impact.
As some of the coaching relationships with the leadership team have come to a close, it has been a real encouragement to hear how coaching has helped them. The biggest help being simply someone who was willing and give them time to think and process and providing a different perspective to be able to think outside of the box.
As I look back over this last month, I feel content that I have been able to finish well with FH and have provided a good transfer of roles and responsibilities to the new person. Now my focus shifts to preparing for year two of my coaching course and to helping Sarah and the children finish well. We have a pretty full month and a bit ahead with two more trips to Oruro and Cochabamba, meeting with friends, cleaning, ordering and selling things off and the fun of packing our entire life into a few suitcases. As we wade through this process of transition we hold onto the words of a song we recently came across that reminds us that whatever happens God is still in control: Soverign Over Us (Vineyard Music)
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”
Romans 8:28
Thank God for:
- A good trip to Sucre visiting favourite places, and sharing memories and saying goodbye to the office there
- The family moving into our house wanting to buy most of our goods
- Hearing how God has used us in the lives of others to bless them
Ask God for:
- Encouraging and safe trips to Oruro and Cochabamba this month
- Help working through the emotions involved in transition.
- Direction of provision of what comes next
Ed, Sarah, Alana, Isaiah and Lucas
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