Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Moulding Chronicle September 08

Dear Friends,

This month saw the celebration of Alana's 2nd birthday, which we celebrated
with a number of different families for a picnic and games. With that
passing, unbelievably we are close to celebrating our first anniversary of
being here in Bolivia. The referendum recall vote was peaceful, but has
changed very little other than the removal of 3 of the local government
heads. There have been more blockades in protest of other issues, which have
made life harder for some people in the increase of food prices, and being
stranded at bus terminals, however this seems to be a continuous part of
life here.

Ed continues to be kept busy with his work producing maps for a number of
different reports and proposals and trips out to the campo. During his most
recent visits he had the opportunity to meet and talk with some of the
families that are benefiting from the work, this was very encouraging to him
as he could see how his small part of making maps was a part of a much
bigger picture that was having a positive impact. Towards the end of this
year one of the major sources of funding for some specific FH projects is
coming to an end, and with it comes much uncertainty for many people in
their jobs. It will mean serious cutbacks across the country as well as
changes in Ed's work.

Over the last couple of months a role for Sarah has slowly been developing.
It is not so much one specific thing but rather a number of different things
that fit in and around Alana and other general chores that need doing. Sarah
has been continuing one day most weeks helping with the admin for the Child
Development Program, as well as some translation work for a TV program about
the work of FH, and is likely to have some more work translating letters
from the children of the sponsorship program. In addition to this she has
begun meeting up with a fellow missionary from Brazil in order to help her
with her English. So thank you for praying, God is answering our prayers.

Spiritually the last few months have been a dry time, with difficulties in
making the time to study Gods word and feed our souls. Being over tired and
generally worn out has not helped either, however our short time away
enabled us to feel more refreshed and gave us a good opportunity to review
where we were at as well as thinking about how we can change things, so
please pray with us as we travel through this dry time.

Thank you for your continuing love, encouragement and support of us in our
time here, we couldn't be doing it without you.

Praise God For:
• A refreshing time away in Potosi
• Encouraging trips to the campo for Ed
• More work opportunities for Sarah

Please pray for:
• Continued good health, particularly with the hotter weather setting in
• Wisdom for the decision makers of FH Bolivia regarding the cut backs
• The individuals who will be affected by the changes
• Sarah's parents as they prepare to visit in November

Ed, Sarah & Alana

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